
Bella Vita Farm
Contact: Amy Falcone
Address: 4901 Brookeville Road Brookeville, MD, 20833
Phone: 240-844-1444
About Us
Our Aquaponics greenhouse is a year round operation providing fresh greens and vegetables to our local community. We are proud to be partnered with local restaurants to help grow their menu. Aquaponics is the farming practice that grows fish and greens together. Four 500 gallon fish tanks with koi and tilapia line the north wall of the greenhouse supplying nutrients to the eight 40 feet long deep water culture beds. In the center is a plant deck and nursery where the plants get the initial start. The nutrient rich water that flows through the aquaculture allowing us to grow beautiful lettuces, microgreens, kale, basil, tomatoes, culinary herbs and other vegetables. All seeds used in the greenhouse are non-GMO and organic when available. Media beds inside the greenhouse use only organic soils and expanded clay. 24 Autopots are used for inside tomato and pepper growing.
This spring we have started our outdoor plantings utilizing ground around the greenhouse and raised beds. We have a 40 foot buffer from the fields that are conventionally farmed for grains.
Bella Vita has a small flock of 125 happy hens and we offer eggs for sale on the premises.
While we are not certified as organic or naturally grown we are in fact using organic practices and sometimes even better than organic practices. We use only OMRI products on our plants-insecticidal soap, vaporized sulfur and beneficial bugs such as lady bugs and green laced wings. Our water cultures are maintained at pH of 6.5-7.5 for healthy fish and plants. Any supplements that we use have to be natural and safe for the life of the fish. We harvest into clamshells or food grade bags to the onsite cooler. We practice good agriculture practices. Hand washing, gloves, sanitizing of the tables is all done with the utmost of care. I have attended "The Farm Plan-Global G.A.P. Made Simple" course to assure the safety of the food we are supplying to our families and you. Most of the produce we have under roof has only been touched by 4 hands from seed to harvest.
We are also practicing with extra caution during this pandemic of Covid-19.
We are also practicing with extra caution during this pandemic of Covid-19.